
Introducing Sentrix™ Gas Flow Meters & Analyzers
New Sentrix flow measurement technology gives you high-accuracy, easy-to-use solutions for measuring and tracking packing case vent flow in gas compressors.
Sentrix technology is available in two configurations to suit your specific gas monitoring needs: portable analyzers for periodic, manual measurement of gas leakage and inline meters for continuous, automatic collection of flow data.
Sentrix inline flow meters and portable analyzers simplify regulatory compliance by providing precise, direct flow measurement as mandated by US EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule: Subpart W (40 CFR Part 98).
Both configurations use mass flow technology for superior accuracy and have outstanding low-flow sensitivity to allow proactive monitoring of rod packing.
Sentrix inline meters and portable analyzers are calibrated for a specific gas composition and are supplied with easy-to-use, pre-set calibrations.
Call your Cook Compression representative now or click here for more details on Sentrix inline meters and portable analyzers.